


Please enter your dates ( Date-Format: YYYY-MM-DD ) then click or tap SEARCH to check availability.

Please select one or more available rooms, where you click or tap on the Room Picture / SELECT. You can select up to 4 rooms at a time. You now have the opportunity to change the number of persons in a double or twin room. Online Reservations for the same day can be made until 03:00 pm

Afterwards please click or tap BOOK NOW

Rooms and rates

Here under the availability selected Rooms are displayed. Please enter the names of the guests. In addition, you can select the breakfast buffet as an additional service for each room.

Afterwards please click or tap NEXT STEP

Guests Data and Booking

Here all selected rooms and possibly the additional service are displayed, including the total price of the reservation.
Please fill out all fields correctly and double check the reservation.

Your credit card is required to guarantee your reservation. We reserve the right to us, to authorise the credit card prior to arrival. We will not charge your credit card in advance. Payment is made on site.

Afterwards please click or tap BOOK WITH OBLIGATION TO PAY

If your reservation was successful, then a confirmation will appear with the booking details and you will receive a booking confirmation to the specified email address.

Please note that a reservation will only be made when you click or tap BOOK WITH OBLIGATION TO PAY.
In the meantime, unfortunately, it is also possible that another guest booked the same room.

Change or cancel a booking

To change an existing reservation or to cancel, please provide your e-mail address as well as your booking number and guest ID. The guest ID and the booking number will be sent after the booking together with the booking confirmation to the specified email address. Select please, if you want a room to cancel or change. Afterwards please select one or more available rooms, where you click or tap on the Room Picture / SELECT. You can cancel / change the entire reservation or just individual rooms. Please also note that a cancellation is not always free of charge and a change only up to the date of the free cancellation is possible. Afterwards please click or tap CANCEL or CHANGE