This was once only... Expo 2000
That was the world exposition The numbers The after-use
On October 31st 2000 the EXPO 2000 finished after 153 days. Scarcely has en event in recent years moved the German minds as did the EXPO in the capital of lower saxsony. On these pages we would like to give you the opportunity to relive this unique Spectacle and to enjoy the most wonderful pictures.
On sunny days the rush onto the EXPO grounds was enormous. Incidentally the visitors would have had to walk 75 km in order to visit all the pavillons and exhibitions.

Every night the pyrotechnists gave their best to enchant the guests... with their fire-, water- and lightshow "Flambéé" Human Facets with waterfonntains and geysers.

Avenue of the united trees
A total of 273 different types of trees were planted on the "United Trees Avenue" They are a symbol of peaceful togetherness of different nations.
By the way - a total of 5.889 trees were planted on the Expo grounds.
A total of 53 nations and organizations built their pavillions at the Expo grounds.

From Africa...
with the participants... Yemen

and finally Cyprus...
...all the participatins nations have created miracles on the Expo grounds.
We would like to invite you to join us on a tour around the Expo and visit the most beautiful and impressive pavillions again.

The Pavillion of the Conservation Organization ZERI
Water was a very popular element, to embellish various pavillions.

In the Iceland pavillion film and reality were melting into each other. Inside the blue cubic the visitors had a birdseye view of Iceland from a spiral ramp. All of a sudden a mighty geyser shoots into the air.

This pavillion was fully surrounded by water and could only be reached by two bridges. Inside the visitors had to walk over a glasfloor underneath a display of a typical croatian landscape.

The visitors were atracted by a 15m high waterfall. Especially in hot weather these pavillions were extremely popular to cool down.

Over a period of three years 800 nepaleese families built this beautiful landmark pavillion. 80.000 tires were put on the root of the Himalaya - temple by hand.

Rising above the country's pavillion was an 18m high flower. Depending on the weather it was opend or closed.

The Danish pavillion showed the subject "Human - Nature - Technics" in a perfect way. Visitors could get themselves informed about wind, water and nature.

It was never this quiet in front of the finnish pavillion as it seems on this picture. Visitors were fascinated by the nature of Finland, they came in crowds to admire over 70 finnish birch trees that were situated on genuine finnish soil with moss from Lappland, woodshrawberys and blueberybushes.

Supposed to the most beautiful pavillion was the 40m high "sandwich - build" from Netherlands. Windmills, forest and flowerbeds were piled onto five floors.

The swedish pavillion black on the outside and light on the inside.

In Polands pavillion one could wonder through picturesque old town alleys. On their tow visitors were crossing Europes only untouched jungle, came upon Polands oldest salt - mine and were able to admire the findings of Polands scientists and astronomers in the observatory.

Germany's pavillion showed 16 federal States as well as 47 larger than life statues of german celebrities which were presented in the workshop. The pavillion was built out of Steel, glas and wood.
That was the world exposition The numbers The after-use
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